064 540 6180 • JHB - 011 262 2451 • CPT - 021 944 8700 •
Payment in-store can be made in cash or by debit or credit card.
Payment for online orders can be made by debit card, credit card or instant EFT. All of our online payments are handled by PayFast, which allows easy, secure and instant payments to be made. You will be directed to a secure page to enter your card details or make payment by instant EFT.
Payment for orders placed over the phone can be made by instant EFT or ordinary EFT. For instant EFT payments, your Customer Service Representative will send you a secure email with instructions on how to make payment by instant EFT from PayFast. For ordinary EFT payments, you should make payment to the bank account below using your customer number or the relevant invoice number as a reference and proof of payment should be e-mailed to admin@handsdown.co.za or faxed to 086 435 1967.
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Johannesburg
Branch Code: 000205
Account Number: 000490636
Customers in the greater Cape Town area who have been granted COD payment terms should make payment of the exact invoice amount in cash at the point of delivery. Please have payment ready; our drivers are usually on a tight delivery schedule and cannot wait for you to arrange exact change. If you are unable to pay for your order in full at the time of delivery, the order will be returned and we will charge you a delivery fee of R75. A Customer Service Representative will call you to discuss the situation and you will then need to collect your order or make payment in advance of any further delivery attempt, which will be in our sole and absolute discretion.